Colin Ian Jeffery Poems

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Wally Gog

(When I was a small boy I feared the Wally Gog)

Wally Gog hiding beneath my bed
Waiting sly to steal me away

Waking From A Nightmare

Do not be afraid, my father said
Wiping away my childhood tears.
Darkness drifts away
Taking terrors of the night

With A Kiss

You raised me
From the fiery pit
Where nightmares ebb and flow
And with a kiss

World Crisis

President George Bush declared World War
America with allies fighting
Against ferocious ruthless enemies.

With Faith In God

With faith in God and belief in Jesus Christ
Heaven with angels and sins forgiven,
Eternal love and the best of human spirit
With all peoples, colour, race and creed

Thunder Road

I stormed the thunder road from Hell
With sword and shield
Over bloody fields of war
Fighting hordes of warrior demons down.

Vicarage Garden

In vicarage garden on a bench
Frail old vicar sits caressed by autumn breeze
Overcoat, scarf, hat, gloves against the cold
Pondering on gifts God bestowed.

We Shall Stand

We shall stand against them
And they shall not bring us down
Broken and tormented
For together we are strength and purpose.

She Who Gave Life Purpose

She who gave life purpose
Took my heart by storm
Made my Muse sing loud
Bathed my soul with love.


Nagging pain, loose tooth
Growing agony
Taking the day's importance
Unable to chew food.

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