Your more beautiful
than any sunrise,
More beautiful
than the glistening sunlight,
My life is a illusion,
It's a conclusion,
Mind confusion,
Cell's infusion,
The beauty Im sold
Of buildings of old,
So cold im told,
Character so bold,
Millions of seed's,
I'll plant your need's,
One by one you will see,
I'll nuture your field of dream's,
Im so excited,
Home ill be reunited,
My ute react's,
While im enjoying myself tonight
Thousands will die through the night
Some will die through suicide
Because life has gone from their eye's
My friend the spider,
He is a hitch hiker,
Landed on my ute,
When I took the Millmerran route,
Yesterday, i sunk in the night dream
Dream of being in love
Of two hearts and souls beating in one rhyme
Maybe these hearts just melted together be as one
Your love poems
are music to my heart,
They are pure art,
You have my heart,