Times Of Old Poem by colinb bradley

Times Of Old

The beauty Im sold
Of buildings of old,
So cold im told,
Character so bold,
Time takes their toll,
Buildings become a mould,
From times of old,
When services were sold,
Stories from souls,
Never been told,
When values were hold,
Integrity never sold,
From souls of old,
Because their words
Were from their soul,
I miss times of old.
Colin Bradley

Unwritten Soul 16 January 2013

The old times can build lot of memories and in memories there always such eternal beauties and feelings that expensive..we may lost it behind but we still carry it infront_Soul

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Unwritten Soul 16 January 2013

The old times can build lot of memories and in memories there always such eternal beauties and feelings that expensive..we may lost it behind but we still carry it infront_Soul

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Unwritten Soul 16 January 2013

The old times can build lot of memories and in memories there always such eternal beauties and feelings that expensive..we may lost it behind but we still carry it infront_Soul

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Unwritten Soul 16 January 2013

The old times can build lot of memories and in memories there always such eternal beauties and feelings that expensive..we may lost it behind but we still carry it infront_Soul

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