Confucius Poems

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A Wife Deplores The Absence Of Her Husband

Away the startled pheasant flies,
With lazy movement of his wings.
Borne was my heart's lord from my eyes;--
What pain the separation brings!

A Festal Ode

With sounds of happiness the deer
Browse on the celery of the meads.
A nobler feast is furnished here,
With guests renowned for noble deeds.

A Eunuch Complains Of His Fate

A few fine lines, at random drawn,
Like the shell-pattern wrought in lawn
To hasty glance will seem.
My trivial faults base slander's slime

A Wife Bemoans Her Husband's Absence

So full am I of anxious thought,
Though all the morn king-grass I've sought,
To fill my arms I fail.
Like wisp all-tangled is my hair!

An Ode Of Congratulation

The russet pear-tree stands there all alone;
How bright the growth of fruit upon it shown!

A Wife's Grief Because Of Her Husband's Absence

The falcon swiftly seeks the north,
And forest gloom that sent it forth.
Since I no more my husband see,

A Wife Mourns For Her Husband

The dolichos grows and covers the thorn,
O'er the waste is the dragon-plant creeping.
The man of my heart is away and I mourn--
What home have I, ...

A Wife Urging Her Husband To Action

His lady to the marquis says,
'The cock has crowed; 'tis late.

Against Listening To Slanderers

Like the blueflies buzzing round,
And on the fences lighting,
Are the sons of slander found,
Who never cease their biting.

A Festal Ode Complimenting An Officer

On dashed my four steeds, without halt, without stay,
Though toilsome and winding from Chow was the way.

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