Damilola Nelson

Damilola Nelson Poems

Take no anger to heart about my words

It is just me mirroring my society,

On my writing table

Sitting in front of my sickly friend

Silhouette lady

I wish you were standing before me right now

A train shattered my heart
And to pieces it scattered
In the arms of another, she rested.
While I sit here wasted



What is it that makes you stand out

Man in the mirror

In your reflections, I see we have a lot in common,
As we have shared a lot of Trials and tribulations

The Best Poem Of Damilola Nelson

The Fault In Our Star

Take no anger to heart about my words

It is just me mirroring my society,

As muses are to poets so is muse a plot to the  poem.

The fault in our stars are like the unknown that we seek in our dreams

Seasons will come, season will go

Leave my home is not leave the globe

Boys will become men, men will become older men

And life will still attain continuity 

The man in liturgical robe and the man who saw the crescent all heard the call

And so is the man who sees the maker through cowries, stones and sand on a tray.

Perspective is a constant rhythm and superior arguments become superior when perspective changes

We pray and fast, to buy time over what will be the end of all,  

while others  care less about the unknown certitude.

For the closure of eyes to sleep is an end in disguise

A break from the world's beauty and world's uglyness 

And only those who wake after the sleep will miss those who didn't

So fear not the absymal depth of death and live life when you can, for we will all be forgone someday.

Make men happy and practice less of denouncement 

You will make more meaning if you understand the mind of your neighbours other than judging the merits and fault in their stars.

For no one as the manual of perfection.

However take no anger to heart about my words

It is just me mirroring my society,

For every poet as a muse and every muse is a plot for the poem.

Damilola Nelson ©

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