Daniel Goncalves Poems

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Hard Work Gone Unnoticed

At times hard work goes unnoticed,
Torment builds inside you, pain seeps from within.
You wonder how and why and yet you keep working hard.
You pushed like you never pushed before and yet remained invisible.

The Return

Finally over, we returned from war,
I went to see her, our love was no more.

Broken, tattered and barely sane,

Apology The Love You Lost

There are simply no words that can express the depth of my feelings that are overwhelmed by regret, guilt and sadness for the wrong I've done. This is my predicament now for hurting you so badly when you trusted me so dearly.

A billion "I'm sorry" I'm willing to say but I know it can't undo what has been done and it won't ease the pain in your heart. Instead, I'm writing this to let you know that I regretted my actions and cheating on you is certainly an unforgivable mistake. I totally deserve all the anger and resentment from you for what I have put you through.

My Late Reply To The Letter From My Long Lost Soulmate

To: My Long Lost Love, N.

My biggest regret is losing you, your kiss so perfect and loving, the way you looked at me, your smile and most of all the words, "I love you", so true, I still feel it after all these years. I still see you as I did and always will, you're perfect in my own eyes. My heart and soul still yours forever like the carving I made you on that tree.

Soldier's Rememberance

Our Brotherhood,
Death tried to break,
The horrors, the loses were hard to take.

The Come Back

There will be a day when I'll come back a lot stronger than before.
I'll be unstoppable, unbeatable and I'll defeat all those who challenge me.

There will be no end to me regime and I'll only get better.


In life, we all get sick,
We lose our health and fall into critical conditions in which we may have even created ourselves.
It can be painful, sad and sometimes close to fatal. Yet we must go on, get better and live on once more.
Even if one day you know this illness that sickens you may and can kill you, you must not be afraid.

Never Giving Up

Giving up is for cowards.
Giving in for the weak.
And falling apart, for the empty minded.
There is no need to feel beaten or full of sorrow.

How You Change The World

Fear nothing and no one, not even fear it's self.
For nothing can ever stop you, nor hold you back but yourself.
Strength comes from within and it not only limited physically.
For true power lies in one's knowledge,

Effects Of The Past And Yet You Go On

One day, reality hits you hard in the face.
Life is not going the way you intended,
Things you did in the past affect you now.
Believing you were invincible means nothing now that you're weak.

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