David Burton Richardson

David Burton Richardson Poems

Deep down in Deaths dark depths of sodden soil
Of Bodies decay that speak no more
Words that talk upon the Stone
And echo loud upon the Wall

Dark night and deepest thought
And broken sleep and broken dream
The darkest night of tortured walk
Of darkest past and darkest talk

Words gushing, thrushing
Thrusting and pushing
Are silent when all is done
And they will mean a truer word

Death has no master, but master it will be
And the pale velvet mist of time
Will pull and tear the everlasting Tree
That reaches for the dark and damp ridden Earth

The Valley high, the Valley low
Of loathesome histories past
I long to see and long to go
Where memory comes to pass

In darkest dreams we see
Those damdest thoughts of plunder
That live for eternity
And dark strike and flashlight thunder

That Blue Violet haze of shimmering Sun
And rolling Sea of flickering Dance
With Golden Sand and rounded Stone
The Gulls pecking and stabbing

Tattered Box and Yellow Card
And fading faces of people past
Dark torn words of brittle verb
And broken Hearts and weary word

Oh Daughter weep oer Mothers plight
Another day another fight
The Table set and i must go
Toward that goal and Golden glow

Deep down in hollow, echo Well
Deep down, deep down, deep down
Slime of ages, slithering Stone
Falling down, falling down, falling down

Amongst the Brown and torn up posts
We see the dark and dampen Leaves
We wish that life could be a host
A sanctuary of inner peace

Black is the colour of Soot like Death
That takes the Blackest of Blackest Breath
And Blackest Breath will breathe no more
Or walk alone on the Blackest Moor

The woeful whispers and sorrow sown
Of mournful moves too tired to say
When all we crave is that Womb like home
And the flowered scent and yellowed Hay

Black burnt Gorse of Carbon Hands
That clutch the dank soiled Earth
All around this barren land
The place of Mist and languished Birth

Deep down amongst the Mist, where dark deep Black prevails
I know not why and i know not when, that i will see the Grey Veil
Disgust and shame are constant Friends, i feel the weight of Mortal means
When all is lost to make ammends and Death and Sorrow will fill my Dreams

Upon the dusky, Autumn Crown
Where hollows musk and scent are many
Where dank and dreary Red pressed Brown
With dying leaves and rotting Berry

Time is fast and yet so vast
And life is but a sorrow strife like wake
The feeling hurt of sorrows state
That bellows and plunders of deepest thought

Wanted words of deepest Blue
That struggles to rise from that manic Pew
And darkest thoughts that so prevail
That mighty words can never tell

The Black bosom Blue thrusts the Sky like rampant Jets
And tries to reach that outer bound
Yet it stops far short and cannot accept
The deathly Black, that Black Death sound

Nine months of nourish from Mothers Womb
That place of echo warmth
We cling to life through another
A place where fear is not yet born

David Burton Richardson Biography

David Burton-Richardson is an internationally recognised Painter and Sculptor, with works in Public and private collections worldwide. Having suffered from self doubt and depression since childhood, Burton-Richardson's work is often about the dark side of life. His Poetry has always featured as an integral part of his life and, like the paintings, suggest the ephemeral and fleeting aspects of life, death and mortality.)

The Best Poem Of David Burton Richardson

The Long Dark Sleep

Deep down in Deaths dark depths of sodden soil
Of Bodies decay that speak no more
Words that talk upon the Stone
And echo loud upon the Wall
Dark deep depths of silence Black
And dank dark memory of Ashen case
And silence Black so deathly Black
And Soot like Soil that clings like Plague
And within the Earth our Souls must whisper
Of long past voice and bitter haste
And we must go to that sleep so pure
That long dark sleep of Blackest slumber
And time will end and we must go
And Nature takes a final bow
That lurid Green of sickly glow
Then loving words of droplets deep
We bid goodbye and wish them well.

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