David Darbyshire Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Monsters Under The Bed

As I lay, in my warm Bed
All the Monsters run through my Head
Gruesome, Mean, Horrible, Things
I wonder what this night Brings?


I know this Girl Doris
She lives in Paris
Doris asked me to come for a visit
So I got on a bus and did it,


A little boy really wanted to fly his kite,
the day was still no wind, this is not right.

Broken Mirror

I really Miss, My broken Mirror
It's like having a Black empty Space
I have bought a new one, much Clearer
I thought I would see a new Face

Something Funny

I'm thinking of something Funny
And it looks a little Runny
I suppose it could be from someone's Nose
That the person never Blows

Dogs Vs.Cats

A dog can be cute,
big or maybe minute
could have hair
long, curly or short

Exercise Your Mouth

As I Exercise my Mouth
Moving Lips North and South
There are no words coming Out
No Bad Words

I Really Pray For Happier Days!

I feel like I am on fire,
it is not from any desire.
Smoke I can smell,
from this living hell.


A person that never drinks
Always always thinks,
Why do other people drink
I mean the stuff stinks

I Love My Dog 'Bobbie'

Get up in the mornin, See his smilie face
And he's 'Waggin' his tail all over the place
Nice fresh water and doggie snacks in his bowl, I pour
Belly up like a pup, shakin his body askin me for more

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