David Harris Poems

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A Little Cottage

A little cottage nestled in the hills,
its roof is thatched
and it windows carry Georgian squares.
In its garden pretty flowers grow;


Here it is autumn,
the leaves are turning
from green to gold and red.
As the days, get shorter

A Man Of Words

To some a seeker, to others a fool.
A rich man, a winner,
a poor man, a king.
A writer, a scholar,

The Hogarth Experiment Part 1

The year was 1942 and the war in Europe
raged on relentlessly.
Each day men were killed
in battlefields far away.

Rainbow Across My Heart

I feel like talking
Telling everyone about you
About the love we have both found
And the rainbow across my heart

Insects Of The World

Under your feet they scurry
Nine hundred thousand or more
With head, thorax and abdomen
And legs of six or more

A Case Of Edible Underwear (Adult)

This comes with a Public Health Warning
as not suitable for children under the age of twenty 0ne.

“My dear Holmes this case is very puzzling as the young lady in question is not dead.”

A Writer’s Block

Sometimes when I listen to a song,
a word or a line in the lyrics
will prompt a poem from me;
I will then sit with pen in hand

A Refreshing Rain

A refreshing rain fell from heaven
to wash away what marred the land.
To feed the soil
and give new growth a drink.

A Rhythm Of Life

The rhythm of a heartbeat
is heard across the land
with every new child born.
A rhythm of life itself

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