David Harris Poems

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Because They Fall In Love

Love is something
we can never see or hold.
It is a yearning deep inside
that warms you in the winter cold.


The sun’s finger,
drifts through my window everyday.
It warms the room
and the person sitting there.


When we were young,
we build our bricks
as solid as we can.
As one may crumble

The Sun Might Shine Again

See the raindrops fall,
the teardrops of the lord.
He is crying for all the souls,
whose lives have been stolen,

Sad Story 2

He hid himself from the world
As he felt it was only filled with hate and lies
He forgot about and never realised
That he would want comfort

Love Came To Me (Fun Poem)

I’ve danced with stars
And raced with the moon
Across the milky way
My world has turned upside down

The Life That’s Left Behind

When you die and go away
You leave your belongings here
The things you collected
All your life is now laid bare

I’ll Catch You If You Fall

For years you thought fame,
was the name of the game.
That the spotlight would shine on you,
if you followed your dream through.

Hands Held Out For Holding

The shadows of the night fall across everything
Candles flicker in the darkness
Awaiting the dawning hour
Everyone is yawning waiting sleeps approach

When You’re In Love

When you’re in love,
there is nothing you cannot do.
You could paint a sunset,
across a sky of blue.

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