David Harris Poems

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Sleepy Eyes

Your sleepy eyes have a dreamy look,
suggesting you are far away,
thinking of some distant thoughts,
rekindled by a memory,

Sad Poetry

People often wonder why
I write a lot of sad poetry
for when they meet me
I seem a happy-go-lucky guy.


The mist moved across the field
swallowing up everything in its path.
A white blanket that hovered
inches above the ground.

You Silly Stump Hole

Many times, I’ve read poems
where the author
has resulted to swear words
one after the other

Beyond The Sunset

We all know of heaven
and all know where it lies,
beyond the sunset
of our passing lives.

Invisible Snowflakes

Someone said it was going to snow today.
The sky was a morbid grey
and it’s possible we might
be hit by snowflakes falling everywhere,

An Old Coat Rack

There is an old coat rack
that stands in the hall
and I’ve often wondered
whose coat once hung there.

Dream World

Each night as we sleep
we drift into the world of dreams.
Our mind makes up fantasies
through snippets of our daily life.

Stranger On The Shore

You stand near the sand dunes,
a stranger on the shore.
You stand there in black,
colours widows wore,

Havin' Fun

You’re like a moth driven to any light,
no matter who they are havin’ fun.
But, what happens when you go too far?
You end up with a reputation,

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