David Wagoner Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Among Driftwood

Trees haven't come here to die. They've done that
in other forests, on other coasts, having lost
their leaves and their bark and come ashore

Road Kill

The three crows are scuttling back and forth
between the gutter and the dead possum
near the yellow-striped center

Natural Disasters

Long ago, we had to admit, in acquisitive English
the Romans knew what they were talking about
when they made a negative out of lucky stars

A Snap Quiz in Body Language

We can't hear what they're saying, but that man
is holding that woman in his arms. Your assignment
is to deduce their thoughts from what they do.

Up Against the Sea

At the foot of the cliff, the sea is taking back
what it left there long ago, and the landowners
have made a barricade of three old cars

My Father Laughing in the Chicago Theater

His heavy body would double itself forward
At the waist, swell, and come heaving around
To slam at his seatback, making the screws groan
And squawk down half the row as it went tilting

Following A Stream

Don't do it, the guidebook says,
if you're lost. Then it goes on
to talk about something else,

Their Bodies

That gaunt old man came first, his hair as white
As your scoured tables. Maybe you'll recollect him

That Child

That child was dangerous. That just-born
Newly washed and silent baby
Wrapped in deerskin and held warm

Peacock Display

He approaches her, trailing his whole fortune,
Perfectly cocksure, and suddenly spreads
The huge fan of his tail for her amazement.

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