Death Walking

Death Walking Poems

I looked
I saw
I wish
I missed


People try to push me
To a future that I dont want
They tell me drugs are good
Pain is pretty Death is normal

I enter a room
And all those near
Run to the walls
And cower in fear

I stand alone
In a room of chaos
While those around me
Try to know me

This pain inside
It drives me wild
It makes me scream
Just like a child

Im sitting here
At my computer
Trying to type
But the words don't come

This mind I have
Is falling apart
And those around me
Don't even know.

I stand alone
I stand surrounded
I'm isolated
I'm in a crowd

I see life as pain
I see life as a bore
Life in my eyes is a bane
Yet so many cant help but adore


I have found love
From up above
Its plain to see
I think of thee

The pain inside, It grows to much
It pushes out, with all its might
Upon my skull, And in this war
I try so hard, to up a fight

I am droning
Oh so lonely
In this Mono-
tonous drone


On this day
I look around
I see Nevyen
Looking around


There are many names
That i go by
The names of mine
Are a common rarity

As I try
To understand
As I try
To learn

Friends are there
To help you out
Friends are there
To show you how


Long ago
When I was young
I had a friend
Who knew me well

Shi ki un deil
Me ull kei Fea
Amun du va
Zi mun dum fyr

I apologize
To those of you
Who have not met me yet
Because one day you will

The Best Poem Of Death Walking

A Missed Chance

I looked
I saw
I wish
I missed

I begged
I prayed
I believed
I failed

I looked
I saw
A wish
A star

I wish
Upon it
I missed
Its gone

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