Debtoru Chatterjee

Debtoru Chatterjee Poems

The worries upon my fevered brow
Appear in a strain, I know not how
And though through the prayer books I plough
That exhort the divine will to bow.

And when I am possessed of the Muse
Such a crowd of thoughts come upon my mind
And intense passions work into shape
A Harmony straight from the Undefined.

I bent my way up the country lane
Where the sun showed mellow and fair
The dainty leaves rustled on the boughs
The buttercups at me did stare.

I have turned my back on Ambition
And pine not for glories past
The carcades, tunics, buttoned prince-coats
Count me no longer in their caste.

Let the Almighty play His tune
Hurry not the celestial pace
Everything is in fine balance worked out
Await the steady step of His Grace!

Throw name and fame out of the window,
These two imposters can lead you astray
Seek not the crown of success on your brow!
Realize where your true interests lay!

Should I call You merciful or treacherous?
Why so unevenly do you judge?
For those in prolonged pain and their kin
Eagerly count your slowly-loudening trudge.

Your cold clammy touch, I hate to feel
All that's Evil and Death seem your allies true
You deceive with bright sun and sky blue
But the emissary night comes our kin to steal.

Do you have no joys to yield from your black fold?
Increasing the dread, allying with silence and the cold
A sign of evil, crime or Death
And all Nature watches Your ghastly Dance in bated breath.

Some go out to court bloody Death
In battle, on the point of steel
Others live out their varied life spans
Like the end of a length of reel

The Best Poem Of Debtoru Chatterjee

Ode To Ambition

The worries upon my fevered brow
Appear in a strain, I know not how
And though through the prayer books I plough
That exhort the divine will to bow.

It is true that a man without ambition
Will seek praise, fame and valediction
And go that extra mile to win
The accolade of the high and public esteem.

If exalted dreams leave me care worn
Unable to fill my days with delight
Forever fearful that my powers would be shorn
Enveloped in the gloom of an endless night.

Oh Sense! Teach me rein in those winged dreams
That fascinate only to delude
Like those storm - born forest streams
That soon die out in autumn's prelude.

If we should rise but only to fall
Chasing the mirages that have us in thrall
Why do we still stoke the flame of fame
Ever to praise deprecate and blame.

I have known personages worshipped by nations
Yet long after they were laid to rest
Their infirmities revealed, ah, their disinterred reputations
Their noble deeds all laid low to waste.

Should we then become trite and commonplace?
Pursuing a timid and ordinary life
Doing those deeds that do not elevate
Us from the daily rhythm of ordinary strife.

Far better I feel to pursue high goal
And endeavour yet with equanimity of the soul
For it is better to have tried and failed
To be lost in the storm than never to have sailed!

Debtoru Chatterjee Comments

Subhas Chandra Chakra 27 September 2017

You are a talented poet in a subtle form, which one day would grow into a huge one. Please keep reading and writing poems on topics you feel a weakness about. Thanks poet for this amazing debut attempt. Regards. Subhas

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