Deidre Dixon Poems

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I Love Matthew 5: 44

Love my enemies, bless them that curse, do good to those who abhor
This is what the Bible says in the scripture Matthew 5: 44

Pray for them who despitefully use and persecute me is what is says, too

Honor Thy Mother

Created by a God as a woman to give birth,

Her value is immeasurable and there is no price for what she's worth.

Walking In The Spirit

Open your heart and let all the hurt out
Inside it's just sitting there
It's just causing pain and doubt

Mama's Apple Pie

I love my mama`s apple pie
It`s got a lot more in it than meets the eye
It has love and joy all wrapped up inside
With the apples and the butter and the sugar and spice

Bad To The Bone!

Taken by God from the rib of a man
Hand crafted by the Almighty’s powerful hand
Fearfully and wonderfully made with a womb
With intricate curves in your body to make room

Are You Sure?

Say what? You want to marry me?
Well, I have a few questions for you.
And some food for thought, too.
Are you sure you're ready for me?

Are You A Wife?

You say you want to be with me for life.
Well, I have a few questions for you and some food for thought, too.
Are you a wife?
According to the Word that's who I should be looking for.

What, When & Why?

Another Black, intelligent and promising young man,

Has been killed senselessly at a hateful cop's hand.


Worship is not just another song

It is not just another moment that you will long

Don't Tempt The Tempter!

You might think you can handle temptation on your own, but the enemy is constantly lurking around.

He is an organized strategist who only needs a foot-hole, and he'll come in and cause you to lose ground.

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