Denis Martindale Poems

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The Rich Man And The Poor Man

Two men were walking to Heaven
On the day that both men died...
At the age of seventy-seven,
The limit that God supplied...

The Flash!

It only took one accident
To change this man for life,
To speed him up in each event,
Come sunshine or come strife...

When Dolphins Dance

When dolphins dance mid sea and air,
God smiles from Heaven's Throne!
They've found a life beyond compare,
With freedom all their own!

Lunch Break

The panda likes to eat bamboo,
Bamboozled like it's fun,
He finds bamboo then starts to chew
Until the day's all done.

Cool Cat!

Amid the heat the tiger lurched,
Fatigued not quite as strong
And yet onwards he gamely searched
And would search all day long...

Christ: The Light Of The World

A nightly vision came to me, as in the dream I slept,
Pertaining to humanity and every tear once wept...

Let Go, Let God

Let go, let God ... Four simple words,
Yet they mean everything.
Give God your heart and not two thirds,
Let Jesus be your King.

Doctor Who And The Tardis

From Gallifrey, where Time Lords rule,
The Doctor chose to leave,
Despite the danger, played it cool,
Though he could hardly breathe!

Gone But Not Forgotten

Yes, you're gone but not forgotten, the memories still cling!
Yes, I know that death must happen yet I'm still wondering!
I have ten thousand anecdotes that only we have shared...
Enough to stir ten thousand notes, enough to prove I cared...

Hear God's Call!

Love is the meaning we're alive!
Love shares so others may survive!
Love cares for this world, lost souls and all!
So it lives to hear God's call!

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