Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What Would Jesus Do?

The risen Lord ascended high, to leave this world behind,
Disciples saw Him in the sky, that memory in each mind...
He told them wait till power came and they were blessed in time,
To preach of Jesus, without shame, with miracles sublime...

The Invaders!

I heard a kind of whirring noise
Outside the house today!
A spaceship landed! Oh, what joys!
I said, 'Oi, go away!

Eight Syllables

God's here! It's time! He's back again!
The poem's on its way!
When writing time calls for my pen
As I begin to pray!

Keep Calm Jesus Loves You

I read the poster dead ahead
Which God told me to view,
A simple truth right there was spread,

Unclear Family

Where's the nuclear family?
Do you know where it's gone?
Today it's somewhat hard to see,
Our hopes to pin upon...

Politics Or Politricks?

Forgive me if I've lost the point,
What use is politics?
Each party seems to wreck the joint,
With madcap politricks...

We Will Pray For You!

Sometimes the soul is weak not strong
And prayer is hard to do...
God's saints still pray the whole day long
And we will pray for you...

Romeo's Road To Romance

You gently bid me take your hand, as we walk side-by-side,
As if to walk Love's Wonderland, with all God's grace supplied...
Such that by day, such that by night, God's Word will guide us true,
Such that each heart may take delight in words like, 'I love you...'

The Transforming Power Of Christ!

Because Christ is the King of Kings,
The Lord of Lords as well,
His is the power for all things,
In Heaven, Earth and Hell,

What On Earth Is Life?

A fellow poet asked me this,
As if he'd never lived,
To feel love's touch and heartfelt bliss,
To call it God's great gift...

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