Denis Martindale Poems

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Savannah Slumber

Sometimes a lioness must sleep
Despite her cubs in-tow,
Into the Land of Nod to creep,
With eyelids hanging low...

When I'M Ready!

The tiger climbed his favourite hill
To find his favourite spot,
Somehow that tiger got a thrill,
Up there, though feeling hot...


Dear friends, it's been getting colder,
We're further from the Sun...
I feel pain that's in each shoulder,
We all know that's no fun!

Phantom Of The North!

Behold the Phantom of the North,
The wild, white wolf of old!
His legends nightly going forth
And in hushed tones are told...

Indian Reflections

The tiger waded further on,
He had some place to go,
Somewhere to be, where sunlight shone,
So bright as if aglow!

The Journey Home

The elephant was on her way,
Her calf was close nearby,
You should've seen their bodies sway,
Both marching, heads held high!

Full Of Faith!

And it came to pass that a certain man
Read the Word of God and then full of faith
Created something new...
He created something brand new...

The Butterfly Believer

The first of two white butterflies
Left Noah on the ark
And flew upon the fresh-aired skies
To join the crow and lark...

The Poet Laureate

One day Ill hold that title yes
One day just wait for me
Cos Ill give up all happiness
Too earn that legacy..

Gethsemane Miracle!

Alone He walked for private prayer, disciples holding fast,
Christ's countenance that of despair, His hour had come at last.
Gethsemane was quiet now, as twilight there encroached,
As Christ's head bore a bloodied brow, temptation thus approached.

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