Full Of Faith! Poem by Denis Martindale

Full Of Faith!

And it came to pass that a certain man
Read the Word of God and then full of faith
Created something new...
He created something brand new...
He created a new universe...

Out of nothing but faith, there it was before him,
Just a bubble before his face...
He let it grow larger and larger.
It almost filled his room...
Come with me, he told it.
He led it outside into the garden.
Grow bigger, he said... and it grew bigger...
Let no other human see it, he said.
It became invisible to humans.

Let there be me within it, he said.
With all the physical needs supplied, he said.
Oxygen, food, drink to drink and so on... he said...
Then he disappeared into the new universe...
Let there be spirits, living spirits, he said.
Let them appear as with human form, he said.
Let them fall in love with each other, he said
And from their love create newborn baby spirits, he said
And such commands came to pass...

The spirits were immortal, undying, yet creating
And centuries passed by, for him, for them...
Still protected by his faith, thinking all things possible,
He determined that he would become a spirit, too.
Let me become... he said...
Yet he was stopped from speaking the rest...

He heard a powerful voice... Who are you? he asked...

I am the God of all creation, the Lord said.

Wow! said the mortal man, immediately humbled.
Your Word helped me create this place! he said.
Look at my spirit beings in love with life! he said.

Yes, I know each and every one of them, said the Lord.

Why do you reveal yourself now? asked the man.

You cannot become a spirit... warned the Lord.
You are a mortal, soon to die, said the Lord.
I want you to give all this up, said the Lord...
Return home, where I can save you, said the Lord.
For as a mortal, you have sinned, warned the Lord.
You need to be forgiven, explained the Lord.
Then I can grant you eternal life in Jesus, said the Lord.

Wow! I understand, replied the repentant man.
You let me see all this according to my faith, he said.
Did I really need to create all this? he asked.

Yes, you did, for your faith is so powerful, said the Lord.
It is because I told you it was so, the Lord explained.
You trusted my Word, therefore trust Me now, He said...
Once forgiven, you can be baptised, said God,
Baptised into eternal life as I promised...

Can these spirit beings continue unharmed? the man asked.

Yes, for they know not sin, they never will, God said.

Oh, that's wonderful... the man replied...
Take me home, he asked of the Lord...
And God took him home, so he could believe the Gospel.

As it is written, what shall it profit a man
To gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul?

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2012.

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