Denis Martindale Poems

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Lazy Day

That's it! I'm pooped! Let's sunbathe here!
Let's crash! Let's slump! Let's flop!
We've got all day, no need to fear!
I think we'd better stop...


The white tiger cub had blue eyes!
He looked adorable!
The sight of him was some surprise,
The day he came to call...

Close To Jesus

Close to Jesus, so few have been, yet with their stories told,
Through these we see the Nazarene, the Saviour to behold...
From birth to death and far beyond, God's Son has proved His worth
And thus, to Him, we each respond, while we live on this Earth...

Don'T Deny The Power!

When Jesus walked this sinful Earth, He came to save not judge,
But many gave the Lord wide berth and then they wouldn't budge.
If they but heard His Name they left! They chose to disobey!
Thus disbelief had led to theft, to steal their hearts away...

Fools' Prophets

A prophet came as if to preach, with miracles as well...
With strangely spoken truths to teach, to save lost souls from Hell.
It seemed that though he knew God's Word, he'd often add a twist...
Until all wisdom had been blurred and none could get the gist!

If I

If I condemn the starving, sit back and let them die,
If at the lost I'm laughing, I ask, what use am I?

If I condone temptation and let it run its course,

Never Give Up! Never Give In!

Never give up! Never give in!
Never give way to doubt!
If there's one chance that you can win,
By faith, bring that about!

Advice In The Wilderness

I dreamt I saw Christ walking
Within the wilderness...
And with Him, Satan talking,
To curse and not to bless...

White Lord

The pure white lion chose his spot,
Content that it would do
And there he didn't move a lot,
He just enjoyed the view.

If You But Knew

If you but knew the price God paid, the sacrifice it cost
And saw how Jesus was betrayed, yet saved this world so lost...
If you had seen the face of Christ, when crucified for you,
Sins' horrors would be realised! What then, if you but knew?

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