Never Give Up! Never Give In! Poem by Denis Martindale

Never Give Up! Never Give In!

Never give up! Never give in!
Never give way to doubt!
If there's one chance that you can win,
By faith, bring that about!
You're never alone while God looks down,
For He prepares the way!
He has prepared for you a crown
That you will wear one day!
You've spoken prayers and God has heard,
His angels fly above,
For they obey His every word
Who strengthens us with love!

Never give up! Never give in!
The battle is the Lord's!
His Son has conquered death and sin
And grants us His rewards!
So harken well, you child of faith!
Withstand each storm and strife!
For God is able, strong to save
And grants eternal life!
Though lightning strikes, though floods may pour,
Though wars be fought on Earth,
God's love for you grows more and more,
You're priceless, beyond worth!

Never give up! Never give in!
Endure unto the end!
Resist temptation, flee from sin,
Don't compromise or bend!
Be strong as mountains day and night
That stand the test of time,
With God your peace, your joy, your might,
Your destiny sublime...
While there's a sun and moon and stars,
Praise God who put them there!
For He who makes each day to pass,
Hears every single prayer...

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2011.

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