Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Now Is The Time For Revelation!

Now is the time for revelation! The Lord Himself is near!
With the shaking of each nation before He must appear!
See His prophecies unfolding before your very eyes,
From the Bibles you are holding and reading with surprize!

The Resting Place

A fallen tree was found one day
As one young tiger strolled
And that was where he chose to stay
To let tense claws unfold...

That Time Already?

The lion is a busy beast
Until he feels fatigue...
When doziness has then increased
With sleepytime to seek...

Your Beauty

Your beauty lives within my heart
As if a warming flame,
As if a poet to impart
The sigh that is your name...

Look, I'M Not In Love!

No, you've got it wrong! I don't love her.
Yes, she's cute. Yes, she's nice. God, she's nice...
OK, OK, I admit it! Big deal!
You happy now?

If God Made Thee Mine

If God made thee mine, and willed that I be thine,
What wondrous love with thee I'd daily share!
The world could not contain the joys of Lovers' Lane
Nor bind our hearts more tightly, this I swear!

What Use Is Man?

What use is Man? I'd like to know.
It's true he's always on the go.
He's always moving to and fro...
He works by day, he works by night,

It's Autumn-Atic!

The heatwave's gone! The sun retreats! The Summer bids adieu!
'What a scorcher! ' thus completes the season known as 'Phew! '
It's 'Autumn-atic' what ensues and Winter waits its turn...
September starts its coloured hues on trees as green as fern.

Judge For Yourself!

Surrounded by soldiers He walked,
Along the city streets...
While the Jews and the Gentiles talked
Of His wonders and His feats.


Cor! Wonder Woman! Ain't she hot?
I think she's good as gold!
She rescues every chance she's got,
Yes, both the young and old!

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