The Girl With Exquisite Beauty! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Girl With Exquisite Beauty!

My, my! True beauty once thought seen
Surpassed by her sweet smile,
Like she was born to intervene,
Portraying grace and style...
Such that her hair seemed like her crown,
To grant her dignity,
With different shades of gold and brown,
Befitting royalty...

For in that moment, caught in time,
God's snapshot of her form,
I thought of her as though sublime,
My heart now calm and warm...
It was as if God blessed me there,
Transcending all I'd known,
To drain away each trace of care,
Each burden, fear or groan...

They say that music calms the soul,
Yet I was lost to love,
Not quite the same with self-control
That's always proved enough...
I heard a sigh draw from my heart,
The moment I was blessed,
She proves herself a work of art,
The best of the best of the best...

Denis Martindale July 2017.

The poem is based on the gorgeous photograph by
Oleg Gekman that I saw on the 500px site recently.
Title: Blonde Woman With Long Shiny Wavy Hair.

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,grace,style,true love
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