Dennis N. O'Brien Poems

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The Twelve Apostrophes

There once were twelve apostrophes
Who'd served their English writers well,
But soon despite concerted pleas,
Their use had all but gone to hell.

Sunset In Winter

The amber glow as day begins to die
Behind a darkened hill that lies to west,
Where trees that silhouette against the sky
March on like lines of soldiers on its crest.


To see the Earth from a distant Star
Would give perspective to who we are:
A speck of dust in a galaxy;
A whirlpool set in an endless sea

Autumn In The South

In April when the first cool days
Foretell of winter's coming frost,
And waning sun's soft golden rays
Shine weaker now that summer's lost.

Propaganda Poets

Lies only stand if the good are weak
For only the truth is strong.
It's to feeble minds that the liars speak,
Not to minds who know right from wrong.


If the universe is of infinite size
On just one planet would life arise?
Or are there many where life can swarm,
Advanced like us and of similar form?

Fame And Infamy

The famous are by all the people praised
And monuments to their achievements raised,
But should they fail the test, their statues fall;
They really weren't so famous after all.

The Jesus Bird

He profits from extended toes,
As o'er the lily pads he goes.
His call is just a quiet screech
Although he's not inclined to preach.

The Dig Tree

How could this be, that after months of hell,
Of blasting heat and sands of deserts crossed,
That now but this blazed coolibah to tell
The wretched men, for them all hope is lost.


Whether devout or green;
Whether hooded or seen;
Their intent is to gain
All control from the sane.

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