Ramesh T A Destiny Poems

Destruction Of A Community Is Its Destiny!

Disintegration of joint family into nuclear family is on;
Never should one fall in the net of maya or illusion;
Non-attachment is way to follow to overcome Kali Yuga!


Acquisition of ultimate knowledge finally kindles desire to pursue spiritual development;
Spiritual development starts after experiencing a state of mystical trance in Nature;
Nature is the source and destiny for humans to know all, develop and attain Moksha;
Moksha is the final stage of spiritual evolution for all living beings in the world sure!

Source We Know But Not Destiny!

Past life only a rare few know but not the future life;
But some die and return too by fortune in the world;
It is reported some know past life even in next life;
That shows we have reincarnation after death here!

Source And Destiny For All!

Without pressing the trigger, one cannot shoot a gun;
Without lighting fire, cracker cannot explore in Diwali;
So also, without big bang, bonfire like Universe ever
Won't have happened with Stars of Suns won't be shining!

Nature Is The Source And Destiny!

Nature Is The Source and Destiny!

Beautifully doing all things out of love of heart
And created by novel ideas of mind surely all

Destiny Of Spirit!

Destiny of Spirit!

Sans recycling, exploitation of natural resources for food, fuel
And raw materials will endanger the very existence of all lives;

Nature Is Source And Destiny For All!

By beauty, Nature teaches love, inspires creativity, kindles all Activities and makes all know divine spirit in all things of Nature;
Like the Universal Spirit everywhere, love sustains in the world
Making it possible for life to flourish ever by births and deaths!

Aim And Destiny!

Successes and failures are Common in world life for everyone in the journey;
Reaching destiny fulfilling one's dream, ambition, aim and goal is one's work;
The enjoyable Nature, life and ultimate reality all view and have nice idea;
Only in the end, before leaving the world, one realizes truth that can't be changed!

Our Destiny Is His Hands Controlling All Ever!

Spirit within gives power to heart, mind and body to function
Like the Universal Spiritual Energy activates galaxies and planets;
Just by knowledge and body strength alone one can't appreciated;
For, without power they are all nothing more than a dead wood!

Can We Know Source And Destiny?

Seeing ultimate in everything is an endless journey in Space to know Universe;
It's like reading all the books in a vast library and taking notes on all subjects;
Every subject whether it is literature or philosophy or science, it's a ocean or Space;
As long as we live in this world, we go on in the journey in an adventurous mood!

Source And Destiny For Spirit!

Vision of the whole is necessary not only for life but also for spiritual destiny;
Caught by the spell of modernity and civilization many forget Nature, art and culture;
Development of mind and spirit with body is necessary for completion in life;
Without contact with Nature and cultural progress, spiritual fulfilment is impossible!


Relics of the past tell tales of romantic Space travels from Stars to Earth;
That was greatest romantic adventure we all dream about reading fictions;
HG Wells stories of time-machine travels are supported by real acts of
Past Space travelers by flying saucers or UFO on inscriptions of ancient towers!

Modern world and life of civilization give comforts, joy and physical pleasure;
For knowledge, books and computer searches besides education one gets;
Specialized work gives wealth to live top life in the world till retirement in life;
But disillusionment comes then as all those things are illusion only in world life!

Natural Source And Destiny Of Soul!

Natural end for all born living beings is death in the world;
Soul leaving the body once and for all is called death sure;
That soul may return to home to become one with Universal soul;
Otherwise, that will be reborn in some place in the Universe!

Life Destiny Of Man And Woman!

It looks reverse evolution takes place now,
When we see the happenings today everywhere!
Rape and murder of small children makes us
Feel whether man has become animal or what!

True Faith Only Can Lead To Right Destiny!

Blind faith on superstitious belief of God drives many nowhere;
Without the knowledge of God, how can one realize and reach Him!
Adishankara has asked this question to all who aspire for God;
Ramanuja has said sans devotion one cannot mingle one with God!

Source And Destiny For All Beings And Things In Nature!

More than love, beauty ever steals any show in the world;
World men like moths go attracted by the lustre of fire;
Fire of love is enriched by enticing beauty gorgeous sure;
Sure best things of art are misjudged due to lack of beauty!

Destiny Of One's Life!

Literature is the dictionary of human life;
General literature and religious literature
All express the experiences of human life.

Same Destiny!

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