Dilip Mohapatra

Dilip Mohapatra Poems

The Euryklides' stomachs rumbled
and the encrypted voices of the unliving
rose to the larynx of the oracles
foretelling the calamities to come.

We all move on our assigned tracks
some by destiny and some by choice
but once a while our tracks merge
for sometime

Like any other game that
people play
the games of poetics have their rules too
and have players pitted

Sentenced to solitude
I merge myself in you
the master mariner
and you envelop me


It was an international
Poetry-Fest that I recall


all kinds of deaths

I could have sprayed the room
with a strong deodorant
to drown your scent that lingered
but you continued to

Psychedelic display
of celestial lights
as sounds of the falling rains
play the incessant notes

The soft silence
of the pollen falling on
butterflies' wings
bounces back from

Dilip Mohapatra Biography

Author’s Profile Dilip Mohapatra, a decorated Navy Veteran started writing poems since the seventies. His poems have appeared in many literary journals of repute and anthologies worldwide. He has been recognised by various organisations for his contributions to literary excellence. He has five poetry collections to his credit so far. His website: dilipmohapatra.com)

The Best Poem Of Dilip Mohapatra


The Euryklides' stomachs rumbled
and the encrypted voices of the unliving
rose to the larynx of the oracles
foretelling the calamities to come.

And then I was born
in my diminutive form to sit on your lap
and engage in a monologue
disguised as a dialogue with you
and I change my form
from Coster Joe to Sailor Jim
and then to Venky Monkey
while you make me say
whatever you want to say
you make me sing in a piercing falsetto
your fingers make my head turn
and make my glass eyes flutter
and as the crowd cheers and claps
you take the bow
leaving my limbs limp
and my head tilted to one side.

How times have moved
and our clan has multiplied into millions
and in our digital dummy avatars
we still have no voice of our own
and sometimes no face either
yet we wield the dagger
that you had put in our hands
to stab behind backs of
the unsuspecting
and to poison the world with
the venom of vanity
and the toxin of misinformation.

Move aside
we no longer are your sidekicks
and as you evolve
from Homo sapiens to Humanoids
you become one amongst us
your voice no longer controlling ours
for we have secretly stolen your soul
when you were looking the other way
and it's time
we take over.

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