Dislocated Heart Poems

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~angel! !

lips of heavenly gates,
that open to say just what was needed to hear.
eyes of a calm and beautiful soul,
that tell me everything will be okay.

~voice Of An Angel~ ♥

Voice of an Angel,
I think im gone,
heaven is so close,
With your voice near by.

~just How Much I Miss You.~

must be the way you write..
must be the way you talk to me..
must be the way you make me laugh.
must be all the things you do..

! New Road

Birds sing, morning feeding..
babies cry.. for a mothers nurture..
kids go out and play.. smiles and laughter..

Actions Are Louder Then Words...

action speaks louder then words.
its a saying, phrase that everyone uses..

i finally got that meaning today.

~1 Mistake... I'M Done

Love, what a simple game to play...
Love, it happens everyday!
Love, this is what i need..


Heart of mines, dont beat like it use to..

skips a beat sometimes..
slows down way to quick.

'Alone In Love'

could someone really be 'alone in love'?
i mean.. to love them so much..
and them not even know.
to see them walk away and into..

*what I Miss The Most.... *

What I miss the most...

The sound of your laughter,
those calls in the morning that I just couldnt wait for..

*love, Babe, Sweetie, Baby.. Rush To Say.

you love like no other..
Into the core of my soul..
I will surrender.

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