Dmitry Garanin Poems

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Poetry And Love

Some people are telling me
They are greater poets than I
More poetic natures

A Funny Drawback

I am catastrophically lacking sense of humor.
My sensitivity threshold is too high,
And I'm laughing only from the most funny jokes.
All others don't get me, unfortunately.

Where The Death Is Swinging Its Scythe

Where the death is swinging its scythe
Quick is the poet's pen
The unavoidable end

Physics And Literature

As a physicist, I cannot understand writers.
What forces are acting between us?
I am attracted to them.
They are repelled from me.

Marxism-Leninism And A Mouse

I remember in the 80’s in Moscow
I was standing in my kitchen
With a book of Marxism-Leninism in my hands
Just slammed shut in indignation –

Returning From Katia Kapovich

Katia Kapovich is a first-tier poet
With a Greek nose, sharp mind
And a thin figure of a runner
A veritable cipher 1

Cicero And I

Cicero spoke to the sea.
I am waiting for Facebook's reply.
Who of us two is smarter?
I feel sad, still waiting for a reply..

There Is Nothing Sacred For Me

There is nothing sacred for me.
Because of this in my presence
You never have to be anxious
About your freedom of speech.

Brodsky And Pushkin

If Brodsky could have written your poem,
Clearly you are mimicking him.
And if he couldn't have written your poem,
Your poem is no good,

Great People Do Not Have To Be Nice

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