Doreenda Nikoi Kotei

Doreenda Nikoi Kotei Poems

It's just a matter of time for the sun to shine again,
For the rains to shower,
For closed doors to be opened,
For opportunities to come your way,

An Array of Beauty

I am Red.
The colour for power, passion and love.

You're my Best Dad!
My special old friend and counsellor.
You were everything a great father could be to me to see me at top.
You did everything an amazing dad would do for me see me happy, healthy and fulfilled.

The price of Love is to Forgive.
Forgive yourself and those who have wronged you,
Be ready to go down for others to be right,
It doesn't matter who said this or did that,

Just do it with your little or no abilities!
Because the more you're on it, the better you become at it.
Your first try may not be your best but a learning process.
Appreciate the mistakes you make and let them guide you through.

I remember how I used to be quiet in class,
Trying to finish my homework before bed,
Rushing through my chores to make it early to school,
Studying extra hard to excel in school,

The eyes of a Mother see Beauty!
She knows what's best for the home,
She deduces what's preferable for her husband,
She understands what's suitable for her children.

The words of a Father are life!
He says what's fair and just to you,
If only you listen, you'll escape many traps in life,
You'll have less problems to endure,

Today, I stand in awe with my hands lifted up!
To declare your unfailing love upon my life.
For the gift of life and for the air I breathe,
For your presence hovering all around me,

I was jobless after several delays in my job hunting,
I had to live life the hard way with nothing to look up to,
My hard earned certificates were becoming dusty and rusty,
The few skills I had learnt too were not fetching much as before,

I really don't want to get out of bed today!
Then I won't have to go brush my teeth nor take my shower,
Nor have to necessarily dress my bed nor lay my pillows straight,
Nor keep my windows open for fresh air nor clean my room,

I had all my award-winning dance at home!
In front of my bedroom mirror,
In front of my bathroom glass door,

Seek the touch of God and not the face of men!
Only God has bring peace to your troubled waters,
He alone can carve out ways in the midst of your storms,
He can take you from nowhere to the finest places.

Whatever life offers you, make it work and make it worth!
If you've gotten the privilege to be in school, this is the lesson for you:
Take your books and studies seriously,
Show honour and respect to everyone,

Sometimes in life, you have to learn to adjust your status!
You may be in a prominent position with all the cozy comfort today,
But that can not be said of your tomorrow,
When life seems to be acting rough and tough on you,

What are you weeping about?
Have you gone hungry for days?
Or you've been bedridden for years?
Or you're bereaved of a beloved one?

Learn to always show deep politeness to the police!
You naturally become infuriated when they stop you on the high ways,
Yes, they have genuine reasons to check you, your car and documents, anytime.
But that few minutes of delay can be an opportune time to save your life and that of others,

The whole world is full of helpers. No man is an island!
Every one is on an assignment to help someone or to be helped,
At every junction of your life, there's a hand picked helper,
Ready to unleash the divine purpose for your next level.

You're not really living life if you're without a vision!
What's tumbling in your mind day and night?
What do you really want to be known for?
What's keeping you awake or giving you sleepless nights?

SPEAK into your man!
He is the God figure in your family,
Men adore, cherish and are moved by your respect for them,
Honour him and show him deep reverence every second of his life!

The Best Poem Of Doreenda Nikoi Kotei

Just A Matter Of Time!

It's just a matter of time for the sun to shine again,
For the rains to shower,
For closed doors to be opened,
For opportunities to come your way,
For you to make a breakthrough,
And to fall in love again.
If today's is not working for you, tomorrow will,
Keep pushing and pressing on!

Every good thing takes time to manifest.
Like a little child learning to ride a bike,
Like a student studying to excel in her test,
Like a farmer prunning his crops for a bumper harvest,
Like a mother expecting her unborn baby,
Like an athlete training for the gold medal,
Like an artist painting on his canvas,
Like a new employee preparing for his presentation,
Or like a scientist working on his novel discovery!
You need to be patient, build endurance and wait in expectancy to reap your results!

No need to cut corners,
No need to feel down, bitter and frustrated,
And no need to fabricate it to make it what it's not!
We all have our own timings:
To get married and have kids,
To travel abroad and live luxuriously,
And to meet influencial people to push you up,
If your only understand times and seasons,
Then, there will be no need to envy anyone, to grumble or complain,
And there will be no need to wish to be like others!
Stay focused and give attention to what you want to achieve tomorrow!

We are all on different routes in our lives,
Some start fast but do not finish well,
Some start poorly, but with consistency and perseverance, they're able to reach their destinations.
Some too don't even have the courage to start at all!
Which ever set you find yourself,
Take charge and be proactive in your life,
For in just a matter of time, you'll achieve all that you seek, if only you don't quit!


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