I Remember! Poem by Doreenda Nikoi Kotei

I Remember!

I remember how I used to be quiet in class,
Trying to finish my homework before bed,
Rushing through my chores to make it early to school,
Studying extra hard to excel in school,
Participating in endless competitions and debates,
I look back and laugh, it was all worth my efforts to be a great man.

I remember when I first got a job!
Running to catch the early morning bus to work,
Catching up with time to finish my tasks,
Always looking smart and presentable for my position,
Greeting colleagues 'good morning' while sipping my cup of tea,
Taking instructions and getting things done,
I look back and grin: it was all worth the sacrifices to start my own businesse0s!

I remember when I first flew abroad!
It was a super exciting feeling for me,
Spending days packing and repacking my luggage,
Joining long winding queues at the airport,
Seeing myself fly up into the sky,
Meeting new people and amazing cultures,
I look back and smile: it was all worth the network, experience and exposure!

I remember the first night after my wedding!
The love, joy and happiness in my eyes to finally be with someone special,
To have a friend, a partner and a soul mate,
To be a husband and a father,
I look back and become teary: it was all worth it to now have a beautiful loving family!

I remember the rough and tough times of my life!
How I used to be lonely and thinking,
How I used to be hungry and thirsty for days without money,
How I was turned down on any offer I apply to,
Left out and ridiculed as not good enough,
But today, I look back and sigh: it was all worth the hustling to be successful person now.


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