Doris Dzameshie

Doris Dzameshie Poems

And God created man!
Yellow, black and white men
They all love each other?
Yellow men in Asia

You fascinate me, oh child of light
Blinking little lights dancing around you
Know that you cannot hide behind friends
Your intelligence is a gift from God

The worms in Africa are skinny
Iseola wants to be buried in Africa
The worms in Africa are not slimmy
Which is why Iseola wants to be buried in Africa?


The ravings of a mad woman
They are coming she says
They are coming
Who are they? I ask

Sometimes I feel like being boastful
Then I look behind me
My shadow grins at me
I feel this shall pass

You shall be whole again
Like a silver of the moon
On the way to wholeness
You shall be whole soon

Why are they all looking at me?
It must be because I am fighting to take a breath
Lungs locked up in an iron cast
Squeeze some air in there

Roaming around on the streets of Lagos,
To the streets of Kumasi
I can still hear her laughter
Daa ga, don’t mind them

Can I take your identity?
Ghanaian, Am I?
Do I take your identity?
Black American? Am I?

Father wants to be acknowledged, son
I need to move on, my son
But can l go, without a prayer from you?
Offer prayers for me, my son


Bless you!
Cleared your head, did that
Listen and be still


In time and space, there are no may be’s, there are just “now”
Here we are again in another time and space.
The spirits of “now’ have brought us together again.
A patient me and a talking you

Walking miles and miles
Far as legs can go
Shopping for new cloths to decrease the aging
Resting, uplifting the spirit on cloudy days

Where is your God?

Yes, your God

Hands raised towards the heavens

Reaching to touch the heavens

What is that shell that lies

So still and cold

She walks with long strides

Gyrating, oh what gyration!

The two faced mirror of life

Why do you deceive me and make me look pretty

Where are the 4 peas in the pod?
Are they all players?
Are they all slayers?
All prostituting in a prayer?


The black man will rule the world
They will be suppressed and oppressed
The black man will rule the world
Slaves with bracelets of gold

Doris Dzameshie Biography

Doris Dzameshie is a Ghanaian American poet and writer with a rich background. Doris Dzameshie's poems reflect her passion, creativity, and unique perspective as an African immigrant. Doris Dzameshie is known for her evocative and thought-provoking work. Her poetry often addresses themes of identity, culture, and the human condition, resonating with readers worldwide. Doris Dzameshie's poetry offers a rich tapestry of emotions and insights, making her one of the notable voices in contemporary poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Doris Dzameshie

God's Sense Of Humor

And God created man!
Yellow, black and white men
They all love each other?
Yellow men in Asia
Black men in Africa
White men in Europe
All color of men in America
They all love each other?

And God created woman!
Yellow, black and white women
They all love each other?
Yellow women in Asia
Black women in Africa
White women in Europe
All color of women in America
They all love each other?

And God created man and woman!
Yellow, black and white men and women
All living together in a love, hate relationship
All living together in America
With rainbow colored children
Black and white children
Yellow and black children
Who just love to be a free American?

For Drew and Allan

Doris Dzameshie Comments

Zoila T. Flores 11 July 2014

Nice poem about the crack ion the........

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