Dougl Freshness

Dougl Freshness Poems

The Darkness of the long days cleanse my soul-
Moves me closer to sweet blissfulness-
Could this be it? Could this be the message I've
been waiting for? Is this HER? ? ? But Alas,

She smiles,
Dark eyes pierce downward toward her feet,
Days before the start of conflict-she seems bashful and meek-
What will happen as 2011 draws to an end? What will happen to her and her kin?

The Best Poem Of Dougl Freshness

Modern Message In A Bottle

The Darkness of the long days cleanse my soul-
Moves me closer to sweet blissfulness-
Could this be it? Could this be the message I've
been waiting for? Is this HER? ? ? But Alas,
Not yet! More spam in the folder of life! ! !
Every note from her kisses my soul, just one line
from my beloved turns my entire stomach into a
swarm of yellow jackets trying to escape, like escaping
from a burlap sack- Trapped longing to get out! !
But then, just as if the universe has hand selected the
moment to be just right! ! Alas the message I have been longing for!
Those lines melt through my frozen heart- frozen from the rejection
of time. Those words defrost the once icy heart as if they are meant to be-
interconnected, intertwined- like rays of sunshine from afar! ! !
Like a long awaited message in a bottle from the days of old,
A message searching for the crack- the weak point of the aging bottle-
Looking to burst out of its prison! I can only hope that my words could
possibly have the same affect on my beloved.

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