Dr John Celes Poems

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World Nurses’ Day,2010

Let love of money never interfere
With sacrificial service for mankind,
In times of ailments, distress, agony,
In noble profession on earth – Nursing.

Sonnet: True Love

If love be love that’s truly from two hearts,
If love be love that’s born aright in mind,
If love be love that’s full of divine thoughts,
The corporeal need isn’t there, you’ll find!

Sonnet: The Haloed-Moon

God shows a moon with aureole sheen,
Full-round haloed with greenish-pinkish light,
A phenomenon I have rarely seen!
The unseen sun still makes the moon look bright.

Sonnet: A Master Of Art

His art when he feels is about to ebb;
Or reaches a point of disappearance;
This is the place he must start his romance,
And like a spider create his best web.

Sonnet: You Can’t Undo Whatever’s Done

Can one undo the hurt the hurt that’s made by tongue?
When will they heal, the wounds caused by writ word?
What is the use of parliament when hung?
Authority’s no whip to drive the herd!

Sonnet: The Vanity Of Man

The world is changing very fast indeed,
And things are worsening all the more each day;
And people gloat in vices, sin and greed,
All thinking worldly-wise in his own way.

Sonnet: Eternal Light

As long as there was some light, I could see;
And when the lights went out, I became blind,
Like a mole; the window-pane did I find!
The light came through, I regained acuity.

Lenten Reflections!

When every time I’ve got to fast,
My hunger pangs then seizes me,
I feel so weak and terrible,
Until I eat or drink something!

Sonnet: The Rich And The Poor

The rich become richer and the poor poorer;
This is the way in which this world goes on!
Men may become suddenly rich, not born;
A rich man turns suddenly a beggar.

Classical Tamil

Yes, Tamil has got classical status
Because it is an ancient language great,
That lives and grows midst people globally,
Enchanting, enthralling all equally.

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