Dr John Celes Poems

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A Poet’s Love

My heart is one and only one:
A furnace full of love, my own;
Despite my giving it wholesome,
It grows and tries to more blossom!

Indian Democracy Can Be Truly Great!

If Indians can be patriotic more,
Democracy will thrive in our country;
If love for Motherland is truly great,
More Indians will get awards o'gallantry.

The Inner Voice - Conscience

Laws on earth can be made, unmade;
Laws can be bettered or worsened by change;
Laws may be just or unjust and never perfect;
Laws can be changed for comfort and convenience.

In Life On Earth…

The west is not always the best
And east not always the worst;
The north is indiscernible;
The south is unexplainable.

The First Guava Fruit

My guava plant had buds, flowers;
I nurtured it with patience great;
I longed to taste the plant's first fruit;
And lo! I saw a fruit unripe!

St. John, Apostle And Evangelist

The younger son of father, Zebedee,
And younger brother of St. James, the great;
His mother was Mary’s sister, Salome;
He was the disciple whom Jesus loved.

Sonnet: My Childhood Reminiscences

Can I forget my mother’s cooking skills,
Her punishments and kind advice at times?
Can I forget the games at school and drills,
My kindergarten teacher who taught rhymes?

The Emergency Room

Here comes the ambulance
With another patient anew;
The emergency room staff are ready
With life-saving gadgets in view!

'Happy Doctor's Day,2012! ' Let All Indians Say Today

Respect the white coat that all doctors wear;
Respect the stethoscope with which they hear;
Respect the prescriptions they write and tear;
Respect all doctors for they truly care!

Hats Off To The Woman, Who…

Hats off to the woman, who bears children
With labor-pains, completing family;
Hats off to the woman, who rears the young,
Making her babies suckle at her breasts;

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