Dr John Celes Poems

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Since when a child, they toiled so hard,
In umptine fields, really starred;
Their lives passed off through night and day’
Hoping success in morrow’s way.

Sonnet: Good Men Are A Dearth

If I can find, one Man good on this Earth!
The joy that fills my heart shall know no bounds;
If I can find still some more since my birth,
My woes will vanish as there wont be grounds.

Sonnet: What Sin Can Do?

Sonnet: What Sin Can Do?
Through sin, man clips his wings and cannot fly!
Becomes a bird shut in the cage often;

Cricket World-Cup’99 (Indian Style)

Sonnet: Money

Money when God-given, will everlast;
Though spend you may like water for good deeds;
Money when earned by man will get spent fast;
And never can suffice to meet your needs.

Sonnet- Today’s Politicians

Will human beings never learn lessons?
Their hearts turn cold with time and minds think not,
Preoccupied with vengeance in sessions;
To overthrow their opponents, they plot.

May Nature’s Fury Soon Abate!

The Hurricanes are back with renewed force;
The sea is rough and wind is blowing fierce;
The battered houses could be wrecked some more;
The shattered homes can’t start life once again.

Sonnet: My Moringa Tree

My life too looks like the Moringa tree,
That continues to live amidst its foes;
The sun Tho’ good, scorches mercilessly;
The wind and Milliepedes are its main woes.

Sonnet: Mary, Mother Of God

O Heavenly Mother of Jesus Christ!
O Virgin Queen, our Mother too, divine
Who bore Him, yet became disciple first,
O Mother Great of Velankanni shrine.

Sonnet: Nothing Is Permanent

Some friends have left; some more are leaving too;
To greener pastures, grass, more succulent;
I wonder when comes turn to me, to you;
And if it comes, I'm sure, we won't relent.

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