Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath

Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath Poems

Tuesday,30 December 2014
Bharatheeyakavitha-8-The Oxygen- 31-12-2014- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
Bharatheeyakavitha-8- 31-12-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author

Nascent Poetry

Monday,27 July 2015
Bharatheeyakavitha- 70- 27-7-2015- The Scientist- the Rishi-the Poet- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Ten Pearls on God
Translation: Dr.K.G.Balakrishnan

Nascent Poetry

Sunday,30 August 2015

The silence between
This an’ that;
The spell an’ un-spell;
The eternal what!


dr.kgbalakrishnan kandangath8 September 2017 at 23: 28
Bharatheeyakavitha-127 ON YOU 4-2-2015 dr.k.g.balakrishnan


The minutest, the micro-string
Of my inmost, I transcend,
Pulsing in infinite rate,

vellappata- 11-11-2014- dr.k.g.balakrishnan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ഡോ കെ ജി ബാലകൃഷ്ണൻ

Nascent Poetry

Monday,6 October 2014
next moment poetry-36- The Yoga-dr.k.g.balakrishnan-7-10-2014

The Breath-nascent poetry-dr.k.g.balakrishnan-5-6-2014
The sky,
The vivid conjuring;

Rishi knew that! -drkgb
Energy-the spectacular present;
He knew- the truth incessant;


The Tretagni
My breath, the warmness,
Memorizing the Past endless;
Kiting hopes to the pinnacle;

POEM ABOUT TIME by dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath ARCHIVED BY
(From complete poems collection of the poet "The Why? /2014/ Amazon.com USA/ international publication from USA 2014 available world over.


My long -as this chilly Nelliyampathi-October night,
Tranquil, knot free, steamy; the sky moon-star ornamented!

Tuesday,24 November 2015

bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2- poems 101-200.(poem 106) Resonance- 25-11-2015- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath
bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2 poems-101-200-poem-106

Nascent Poetry

Friday,31 July 2015
Bhaaratheeyakavitha-73- 1-8-2015- THE SELF- VISION- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan


The Past the sung but unclear
The knot so hard unbreakable

Always the Full-drkgb
'Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate,
purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate'


Nothing is new,
Everything is there;
May I read out to you?

I would like to string,
The Song silent;
I would like to sing,
The fragrant!

Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath Biography

Indian, Keralite.76, Male bsc, mbbs, fica. Senior practising Geriatrician. Noted poet in Malayalam. Read all over the world. Proficient in Malayalam, English, Sanskrit, Hindi. Topmost poet poetry.com (all time) award winner from Poetry.com Speaker. Winner 'DISTINGUISHED POET PIN AWARD, POETRY.COM' Very popular Indian Poet on International Arena. " The Why? " English poems complete published on Amazon.750 pages; 506 poems -December 2015.Available worldwide including India.)

The Best Poem Of Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath


Tuesday,30 December 2014
Bharatheeyakavitha-8-The Oxygen- 31-12-2014- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
Bharatheeyakavitha-8- 31-12-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Oxygen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This Moment;
The Colorless;
The Odorless;
The Tasteless;
The Infinite.

The Pure; the Fresh;
It is.
The Pranavaayu/
The Oxygen;
The Divine; the Providence;
The Eternal.

The Consciousness;
The Feel feel-less;
The Life;
The Breath.

My Pal!
Am perceiving;
The blissful Music;
The ring.

Let the Clock tick;
The Heart beat/
The Oxygen.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bharatheeyakavitha-8 The Oxygen
Amazon Author dr.k.g.balakrishnan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath Comments

Thank you PoemHunter

15 1 Reply

Am happy to be a successful PoemHunter poet/dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

15 0 Reply
Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath 16 October 2020

Love All! Dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath is a bilingual (English, Malayalam) poet from Kerala India with 25+ poetry collections. He has authored a prose book " Guruparvam" -20 research articles on Srinarayana Guru. Recipient of " Topmost (all-time) Poet" award from.Poetry USA. Also the poet was honored by poetry lovers with " Distinguished Poet" pin award of Poetry USA. The poet is being considered as the " Master of Musical Poetry" .

8 0 Reply
Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath 30 October 2020

kandangath balakrishnan (dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath) is a bilingual (English, Malayalam) indian poet from kerala.20+ books /Amazon USA) available worldwide. Awards -1." Topmost poet(all-time) .poetry USA 2. Distinguished poet pin award poetry USA.

7 0 Reply

Love you poem hunter

6 1 Reply

Thank u PoemHunter.com

7 0 Reply

Am a practicing physician-not a professional writer. Writing is my passion!

9 1 Reply

Self comments Am really happy, proud and self-satisfied on my humble contributions to Malayalam and English poetry of 21st century. All of my contributions are being printed in USA by free and prompt door-delivery by Amazon and all other online distributors worldwide. Just place your order on line and enjoy free door-delivery with prompt prior information by messages from the distributor. -dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath poet.

7 0 Reply
Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath 30 October 2020

Read " The Why? " /dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath(Amazon Author) -English Poetry.

10 0 Reply

Drkgbalakrishnan Kandangath Quotes

Trust Give Trust to all but never trust anyone! -indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

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