Edwin Atherstone Poems

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The Fall Of Nineveh. Book The Sixth

Meantime, within the royal maiden's bower--
Hurriedly met, in fear and trembling hope,--
Sat Dara and Nehushta. That sweet spot

The Fall Of Nineveh. Book The Fifth

Within his splendid chamber; by all flowers
Of fragrance rare and exquisite perfumed;
Beneath a silken canopy, gold--dropped,

The Last Days Of Herculaneum.

It was a day of gloom, and strange suspense,
And feverish, and inexplicable dread,
In Herculaneum's walls. The heavy, thick,

The Fall Of Nineveh. Book The Fourth

Sunrise: Assyrian soldiers from their tents
Come forth to worship; but, when from their knees
Arising, they look round, lo! where, at eve,

The Fall Of Nineveh. Book The Nineteenth

On the next morrow, to the spacious plain
South of the city, Salamenes led
The Assyrian army,--for no foe was there,--

A Dramatic Sketch.

Why do ye mock me thus?--
Ye said I should behold my native place,
Immortal Sparta:--mother of the race

Israel In Egypt. Book Twenty-Third.

Meanwhile, within the heart of the dead sun,
After that glory angelic had passed out,
Long time reigned silence, night impierceable,

Israel In Egypt. Book Eigth.

``Not with you to take counsel, Powers of heaven,--
For still that title ours,--in so great haste
Hither have I convoked you,''--thus began

Israel In Egypt. Book Eleventh.

All night, that beauteous vision of the day,--
In dreams intense, by subtle demon wrought,--
Vivid as life, to the eye of Sethos moved,

Israel In Egypt. Book Fifteenth

Joy was in Israel; for all hoped that, now,
A three days' journey in the wilderness
Verily should they go, and sacrifice

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