Meantime, within the royal maiden's bower--
Hurriedly met, in fear and trembling hope,--
Sat Dara and Nehushta. That sweet spot
Within his splendid chamber; by all flowers
Of fragrance rare and exquisite perfumed;
Beneath a silken canopy, gold--dropped,
It was a day of gloom, and strange suspense,
And feverish, and inexplicable dread,
In Herculaneum's walls. The heavy, thick,
Sunrise: Assyrian soldiers from their tents
Come forth to worship; but, when from their knees
Arising, they look round, lo! where, at eve,
On the next morrow, to the spacious plain
South of the city, Salamenes led
The Assyrian army,--for no foe was there,--
Why do ye mock me thus?--
Ye said I should behold my native place,
Immortal Sparta:--mother of the race
Meanwhile, within the heart of the dead sun,
After that glory angelic had passed out,
Long time reigned silence, night impierceable,
``Not with you to take counsel, Powers of heaven,--
For still that title ours,--in so great haste
Hither have I convoked you,''--thus began
All night, that beauteous vision of the day,--
In dreams intense, by subtle demon wrought,--
Vivid as life, to the eye of Sethos moved,
Joy was in Israel; for all hoped that, now,
A three days' journey in the wilderness
Verily should they go, and sacrifice