Edwin Tanguma

Edwin Tanguma Poems

Amo a Dios
Con todo mi Corazon

Your transparency
Is what really caught my eye;

Since When Is Barium Used (Tanka)

At times I wonder
Since when is Barium used

As The War Drags On (Senryu)

As the war drags on
The losing sides death toll soars

Time To Buy Me A Ticket (Bussokusekika)

My Father gave me
A small message yesterday

A Firefighter’s Nightmare (Senryu)

California’s drought
A firefighter’s nightmare

The wisest of wise
Yet blinded by vanity

What do some worship
Some people worship money
In all of its forms

The sun slowly sets
As night and day become one

Section 207 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.407)

The Social Security Administration
Needs to train their workers better

I would buy a pearl
If I were a pearl merchant

Here’s Some Food For Thought (Tanka)

Here’s some food for thought
My Father has informed me

For it is written
My family will be saved

Majestic mountain
Rising up from the valley

Here’s A Little Food For Thought (Bussokusekika)

Where is my signet
Where can my little seal be

There Is A Green Monster

There is a green Monster
Under my bed

Grace Be Unto The Capstone (Tanka)

I say unto ewes
Grace be unto the capstone

The mockingbird sings
Melodious mockeries;
Of sounds that it hears.

My Father Oh My Father (Sedoka)

I have one equal
He who gave me My Signet

‘Twas so long ago
When you were my everything

The Best Poem Of Edwin Tanguma

Amo A Dios (Spanish Haiku)

Amo a Dios
Con todo mi Corazon
Es mi salvacion

Edwin Tanguma Comments

Edwin Tanguma 18 September 2015

Blu 1 Blu 1 is another screen name I use on this site... lol Ed T

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Edwin Tanguma 18 September 2015

If you would like to read more Tatiana... I have a few more poems under the name Blu 1 Blu 1 from Rio de Janeiro... Lol

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Tatiana Ortiz 13 May 2013

I love your poems! I want to do a project about Mr.Tanguma but i cant find anything about him. I need to a bibliography and I need a picture. Please help me! !

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