Edwina Reizer Poems

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I'D Rather Be Fishing

When you cast your bait into the sea
isn't it marvelous that you can't really see
what's nibbling around it, circlin' your way?
For most of the fun of a good fishing day


Some people are easy going
and some are so uptight.
Both types are completely different
just like day and night.

My Poetry

"Tis sad to think that when I die
I must leave my words behind.
I'd like to take them with me
wrapped up in my mind.


Witches brew their Halloween stew
and stir the pot this day.
Ghosts and goblins prepare themselves
to eerily pass our way.

I Shall Write

I shall write and I shall sing
and when I finish, not a thing
that's sung or said
will ever compare to thoughts

Rain-Dreary Day

I'm chilled to the bone this rainy day.
It's been pouring and pouring my time away.
My words are circling again in my head
while the rain comes down and the worms are fed.

The Road That Was Not Mine

The road that was not mine
I've often wondered about?
If I had followed that road somewhere
would I have felt left out?

Let Me Remember

Wrap me up in memories.
Tie me with a bow.
Keep me wrapped up tightly
so my memories never go.

Comparison To Life

A rose is a rose.
A thorn is a thorn
and both belong together.

A Compromise

I looked towards the sun one fine day
and felt it shine on my face.
The heat of it penetrated deeply
but it soon fell out of place.

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