Eliza Lee Follen

Eliza Lee Follen Poems

Sleep, my baby, sleep, my boy;
Rest your little weary head;
'Tis your mother rocks her baby
In his little cradle bed.

In little Annie's garden
Grew all sorts of posies;
There were pinks, and mignonette,
And tulips, and roses.

The sun is up, the sun is up,
Sing merrily we, the sun is up.
The birds they sing,
Upon the wing,

'Butterflies are pretty things,
Prettier than you or I;
See the colors on his wings;
Who would hurt a butterfly?'

There was a little boy,
And he had a piece of bread,
And he put his little cap
On his head, head, head.

'What mean ye, that ye beat my people to pieces, and
grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord God of hosts.'--Isaiah.

Yes, nonsense is a treasure!
I love it from my heart;
The only earthly pleasure
That never will depart.

You bid me not to love too well,
To clip my fancy's wings;
Not to believe the tales she'll tell,
Nor listen when she sings.

I am a little thing;
I am not very high;
I laugh, dance and sing,

Hushed was the ocean's stormy roar,
Still as an infant's joy:
There sat upon the rocky shore
A father and his boy.

A boy once went the world around,
Till he a golden castle found;
Then laughed the boy,
Then thought the boy,

I have a little doll;
I take care of her clothes;
She has soft flaxen hair;
And her name it is Rose.

Here, from this little hillock, in days long since gone by,
Glanced over hill and valley the Sachem's eagle eye;

'Stop! stop! pretty water,'
Said Mary one day,
To a frolicsome brook

Hail, noble captive! king of birds!
What tongue can tell thy misery!
Were thy dumb sorry put in words,
What heart that would not pity thee?

Hark! what sweetly solemn sound
Rises on the morning air?
Shedding gentle peace around,
And stilling busy earthly care.

'Tis true, although 'tis sad to say,
Disputes are rising every day.
You'd think, if no one did deny it,

What was it in the viewless wind,
Wild rushing through the oak,
Seemed to my listening, dreaming mind
As though a spirit spoke?

When the stars go to sleep,
The babies awake,
And they prattle and sparkle all day;
Then the stars light their lamps,

Eliza Lee Follen Biography

Eliza Lee Cabot Follen (15 August 1787 Brookline, Massachusetts - 26 January 1860) was an author and abolitionist. She was the daughter of Samuel Cabot of Boston. When he died in 1819, ten years after her mother had died, she and her two sisters established a household. Catharine Sedgwick introduced her to the educator Charles Follen. Nine years her junior, he initially became Eliza Cabot's protege. In 1828, after his betrothed in Germany declined to emigrate to the United States, Eliza and Charles married. After Charles's death in 1840, Eliza Follen educated their only son, whom, with other pupils, she fitted for Harvard University. She was an intimate friend of William Ellery Channing, and a zealous opponent of slavery.)

The Best Poem Of Eliza Lee Follen


Sleep, my baby, sleep, my boy;
Rest your little weary head;
'Tis your mother rocks her baby
In his little cradle bed.

Lullaby, sweet lullaby!

All the little birds are sleeping,
Every one has gone to rest,
And my precious one is resting
In his pretty cradle nest.

Lullaby, sweet lullaby!

Sleep, O, sleep, my darling boy;
Wake to-morrow fresh and strong;
'Tis your mother sits beside you,
Singing you a cradle song.

Lullaby, sweet lullaby!

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