Elizabeth Rabbit Poems

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I Want You.

The Mcat Poem

As another line goes up my nose,
I get this amazing feeling from my head to my toes,
Luckily the fella's dealing so my supply never goes.

Goodbye My Sweet.

I never once thought we'd drift apart,
I knew I wasn't your first, but I'd always hoped I'd be your last.
I helped heal all your scars from the past,
you helped me too,

This Girl I Know

There's this girl I know, she's best friends with my mates sister, I barely even get the chance to talk to her; but I find myself going to my mates house just on the off chance I'll she her.
I've heard she's been hurt, had a man force himself upon her, she's still hurting I can see it evey time I look at her, too scared to get close to anyone in case the pain all comes flooding back again, if only she knew I'd do anything to stop the pain, take the hurt away, but I can't she won't let me, she doesn't trust men.
I know it's madness to feel the way I do, but this girl I know, I've never meet anyone like her before, so innocent I don't know how she got in with our crowd, I wanna wisp her away, rescue her before she turns into one of us, she's already drinking daily, won't be long until she picks up our ways, starts scrounging money for class A's.
There's this girl I used to know, she was so pure, innocent and naive, I never told her how I felt, then I moved away, I often thought about her, years went by before I saw her, only she wasn't the girl I used to know, I wouldn't of even known her if i hadn't seen her eyes, I recognised the sadness hidden in her gaze, she looked old before her time, with three young children besides her, when I'd known her she couldn't stand a man to touch her. She went into a almost derelict block of flats and with that the girl I'd known was gone, gone from my life forever, I'd tried to find her a few days later only to find the flats boarded up all the tenants long gone.

Time I Moved On, Without You.

I'll always love you,
But I can't be with you,
someone who's always in and out or prison,
I know in my head that it's wrong

No Point Trying

I'm sick of them men lying,
no point trying, only end up crying.
I'm bored of all those b**ches,
all those people only thinking of riches,

There'Ll Never Be Such A Thing As Forever.

`a Fathers Daughter

I started to think we were ok now,
now that we're talking,
now there's no yelling;
I started to think that maybe you don't hate me anymore,

She And He

This poem is about a country girl, naive and unloved.
She moved out from her village home, thought she was old enough to go alone.
She got into the wrong crowd, then she feel in love.
He promised her the moon; but once her innocence was gone he quickly changed his tune.


I love writing, I love words;
i get enchanted by their beaty,
the way letters curl and whirl,
and change, and wrap around each other.

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