Emiley Krystine

Emiley Krystine Poems

Look deeply into these gray-blue eyes;
witness the passion that they hold.
A flame of flickering fire burns bright;
revealing a curious soul.

They see you coming;
They look away.
They ignore your opinion;
No matter what you say.

The Best Poem Of Emiley Krystine

My Curious Soul And I

Look deeply into these gray-blue eyes;
witness the passion that they hold.
A flame of flickering fire burns bright;
revealing a curious soul.

I wander the earth with purpose;
with crazy, ambitious goals.
I chase my dreams with devotion;
and the intent to change the world.

Exhilaration courses through my veins;
I see only the beauty in life.
I share all of my light with those in need;
Like the stars illuminating the sky.

With an immeasurable hunger for knowledge;
I seek out the the secrets of the world.
My mind may never stop wondering;
and my curiosity will continue to grow.

I move delicately like a butterfly;
at the pace of a starving lion.
I pay attention to the bigger picture picture;
as if I see through the eyes of a giant.

No one will ever stop me;
or influence the direction I roam.
I may not be like anyone else;
but I don't mind standing alone.

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