EMMA Funnell

EMMA Funnell Poems


I squint through the keyhole,
Push open the door,
Pearly white feathers lie strewn on the floor.
From pigeons these feathers could well have been hacked,

Written with a pen,
Sealed with a kiss.
If you're my friend,
please answer this.


If I was a bird,
I would fly up to the sky.
Bring down all the stars for you,
Just so you wouldn't cry.

I look into my heart,
I feel so lost.
I cannot find the end,
This pain for me will cost.

She sits by the window,
Gazes into the night.
Wishes upon a star,
That you would come kneel by her side.

Clouds moving slowly and glowing red,
As the Sun sets down on the glistening sea.
Watching as the star come out to play,
They light up the sky for me.

The trees move in the Winter Forest,
They sway with the gental breeze.
Naked as the leaves fall to the ground,
And the water will slowly freeze.

I've never wanted anything in life,
Apart from to be loved.
But no-one could put enough effort into loving me.
As all I get is hate.

A mirror spearates us,
Just one piece of glass stops our touch,
Yet no-one can pass.
A hand out to reach you,

I wish I could stop feeling like this,
I'm putting my life through hell.
I'm destroying myself and hurting the one's I love,
On the past I must not dwell.

Leaves fall from the trees,
Rain falls from the sky.
Blood flows like rivers rushing,
The forest is where she will lie.

As I walk alone in the dark,
Longing for someone to hold.
The shadows my only comfort,
My blood starts to run cold.

You are the brightest star,
Shining down on me.
You light up the darkest corners of my heart,
Soon you will be set free.

Darkness surrounds me,
As I slowly die.
I long for you to be at my side,
So I can say goodbye.

Her Spirit cries out for justice,
Her soul cries out for war no more.
Her heart seeks perfect harmony,
As she lies dying on the floor.

I stand on the edge of the cliff,
The wind blowing through my hair.
I think deeply about why I’m on the edge,
And thinking why would anyone care.

As I sit by my window,
And look over the hills.
It brings a smile to my face,
As I know this is how happiness feels.

She’s locked you up,
And thrown away the key.
You can never escape,
You will never break free.

My love for you is never ending,
This pain I feel is never ending.
My heart that bleeds for you is never ending,
These scars you left on my body are never ending.

If I asked you to,
Would you lie with me?
If I asked you to,
Would you dance with me?

The Best Poem Of EMMA Funnell


I squint through the keyhole,
Push open the door,
Pearly white feathers lie strewn on the floor.
From pigeons these feathers could well have been hacked,
But blood streams in rivers from a dark angel's back.
Who would have committed this hideous crime?
Pulled the wings off an angel and hurled her through time?
The knife in her grasp silently answers for me,
There's a reason she sits there, all naked and gory.
To be human's her wish,
Just one sacrifice.
Will grant her desire,
Her wings will suffice.
Her hair is all matted and her hand shakes with pain,
But her eyes show no loss,
Only sparkle with gain.
She's amazed at the knowledge that she's human at last,
Time to move on and invent a new past.
Her bright smile falters,
Her eyes show new fear.
No longer immortal,
Her blood debt's too dear.
I back through the feathers still scattered on the floor,
Take the key from the keyhole and pull shut the door.

EMMA Funnell Comments

Sarah Cornell 07 February 2007

em j! soz havent spoken to you in ages, havent got any txts left. havin a pancake party on tues 20th feb all day plz come i miss you: -(lol. so far got 1 person frm college n 1 person frm wrk comin n i think patch might be comin. plz come we can make vodka flavour pancakes n other alcohol: -D email me or summat sarah xxx

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