Emma Jane Rae Poems

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Sadness In My Heart!

* I read this poem on a facebook post and I loved it so much I thought I would share for you all to read! *

The moment that you died,
My heart was torn in two,


Do you ever get those feelings,
when the world is asleep,
Like your being dragged down,
By the soles of your feet,

I'Ll Never Forget You!

A flower may die,
the sun may set,
but a friend like you,
i'll never forget,

When A Girl Is Quiet!

When a girl is quiet,
millions of thought are running through her mind,

When a girl is not arguing,

Tears In Heaven!

The lyrics from tears in Heaven by Eric clapton:
it tells a very true story:

Would you know my name,

Glad Your Gone!

On the days,
when i start to miss you like crazy,
i pull the petals 1 by 1,
off of a daisy,

I Just Can'T Find The Words! !

I want to tell you,
how i feel,
but i just can't find the words,
i plan everything,

Five Things In Life....

Theres Five things in life you cant recover no matter how hard you try,
A stone....after it's thrown,
The occassion...after its missed,
The time....after it's gone,


Why do you insist on being like this?
to you i wasnt worth a good bye kiss,
why do you keep on saying hurtful stuff?
don't you think you've hurt me enough?

Stupid Boy!

The sun is out and the rain has gone,
i sit here listening o my songs,
so dry your eyes and dont be scared,
coz he obviously never really cared,

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