Emma Simms

Emma Simms Poems

You've broken me down inside,
You've filled my life with hate and judgement.

I thought you loved me,

Violets are blue,
I'll never get over you.
Roses are red,
Here I lay in my bed.


Look into my eyes and you will see that my heart cries out,
Take my hand and you will feel my heart beating.

When you see me smiling,

There lived a girl who lived all alone,
She's away from the only person who makes her happy.
She cries herself to sleep every night hoping things would change,
She prays that she can be with her true love again.


If you cared,
You wouldn't be so blind to see my pain.

If you understood,

So there's this girl,
She's worth more than a pearl.

Her eyes lure me,

When you look at me do you see that I'm in pain?
I try not to be vain.
As I stand there looking at my reflection these words come to my head 'I hate
myself! '

The Best Poem Of Emma Simms

You'Ve Broken Me

You've broken me down inside,
You've filled my life with hate and judgement.

I thought you loved me,
I guess I was wrong,
You used and abused me,
Give me one good reason why I should forgive you,
It's too late for that, no going back, the pain is done!
You've broken me.

When I leave you forever and when you read my note,
Will you realise what you have done to me?
Will you feel that little bit guilty?
Or will you just forget about me like I never exsisted?
You've broken me.

I've loved you from the start and thought I'd always love you,
But you've changed into this shadow I don't recognise,
I don't know who you are anymore, your a stranger,
A stranger I'm soon going to forget,
You've broken me.

All I ever wanted was for you to love me,
To care for me,
To understand me,
To listen to my problems and help me out,
To cuddle me when I was down,
To wipe the tears from my eyes,
Instead you just walked away and left me crying all alone.
You've broken me.

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