Since you dare Brave me, with a Rival's Name,
You shall prevail, and I will quit my Claim:
For know, proud Maid, I Scorn to call him mine,
Farewell my dearer half, joy of my heart,
Heaven only knows how loath I am to part:
Whole Months but hours seem, when you are here,
I saw, and started at the sight,
And interchangeably looked red and white;
I felt my Blood run swiftly to my heart,
How Happy was the World before men found
Those metals, Nature hid beneath the Ground!
All Necessary things She placed in View,
Fantastic, wanton God, what dost thou mean
To break my Rest? make me grow pale and lean,
And offer Sighs, and yet not know to who,
Oh cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be?
When satisfied with tormenting me?
What have I e'er designed, but thou hast crossed?
Why do I Love? go, ask the Glorious Sun
Why every day it round the world doth Run:
Sir, by your Merit led, to you I bring
A Laurel-wreath, but 'tis too mean a thing
For your high Worth and Parts, which we
Best of thy Sex! if Sacred Friendship can
Dwell in the Bosom of inconstant Man;
As cold, and clear as Ice, as Snow unstained,