Erica Burke Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ode To My Pillow

Dearest pillow that is in my bed,
Why do we seldom meet?
For on you tonight I will rest my head,
And I’ll hope that it’ll be sweet.

What Do I Want? ?

I want you to...

Hold me when I'm crying,
And even when I'm not,

Pantoum For Mother

My mother, always a gentle woman,
As far as I have known,
Loves her children, loves herself,
Worked herself to the bone.


Smiles make the earth go round,
They make it move a little faster,
Smiles pick life up off the ground,
They make memories that will last forever.


It's not as if I spend my day just sitting by the phone,
And if you called I very well may pretend I wasn't home.
I know you think you have my heart just hanging by a string,
But you should know that my life is built on more important things.

Peanut Butter Cups

Oh peanut butter cup,
Why do you do this so?
I love you as a new born pup,
And this you need to know.

How Much? ?

I love you more then my blue jeans are blue...
I love you more then the quarter back his football...
I love you more the the blue jay coo's...
I love you more then the mayor his hall!

My Love Is...

Faithful, never Forgotten, and Kind,
Obvious even to the blind,
Kept in the forfront of the mind,
Is my love for you!

Single Person

Awkward silence,
Evil glare,
He belongs with me,
Not over there.

The Apple

The color of ruby red with dots of yellow mixed in,
Little Jonny Apple Seed,
And gravity at work.
Look close and see,

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