Francis Duggan Poems

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They tend the sick and care for the dying and their job is very tough
And for the marvellous work they do they are not paid enough
And to the call of duty they remain ever true
Our credit and thanks to nurses since credit they are due.

The Beauty Of The Seventies

Three decades back so pretty and lovely to behold
The beauty of the seventies she now is looking old
Though she dyes her hair brown and wears makeup to cloak her wrinkles and gray
It does seem rather obvious she has known a better day.

The Young Woman From Paris In France

The one with brown eyes and brown hair her Hometown is Paris in France
She has such a sweet singing voice and to music she loves to dance
She is in her twenty fourth year and happy in her single life
For some very lucky young man she will make a beautiful wife.

One Day Someone Will Say The Same Of Me

The hearse through the main street is passing slow
With the funeral cars following in a single row
Is the dead person a he or a she?
One day someone will say the same of me.

I Always Have Loved Life

I always have loved life and only death I fear
And my call from the reaper with each new dawn draws near
But 'tis only the fear I fear of death the great unknown
Till Nature claims us all we are all Nature's own.

You With An Honorary Title

You with an honorary title like Sir or like Dame
Don't you feel too conceited with your newly found fame
That's something I'd only call someone at the point of a gun
With my back to a wall in the glare of the sun.

They Only Killed Creatures Out Of Necessity

They only killed enough of fish, birds and animals to insure their own survival and what they did kill they did eat
For their women their elders and children they had to hunt to bring home meat
They hunted with spears, bows and arrows nowadays men hunt with a gun
Which puts the hunted at a great disadvantage as no living creature a bullet can outrun.

For Each Of Us A Pigeon Hole

There's a spot for the blue collar worker and a spot for the one on the dole
And a spot for the company executive and for the one who mines for coal
And there's a spot for the doctor and surgeon and even for the poor lost soul
We are graded as if we are potatoes for each of us a pigeon hole.

I'M On The Road To Nowhere

I'm on the road to nowhere 'tis all uphill from here
The past is gone forever 'tis the future that I fear
And every day that I live is nearer to my end
And that I do not fear the thought of dying I never do pretend.

We Need A World Leader

We need a World leader who will speak out and say
Enough is enough of hatred and war there is another way
To make a more peaceful World the hungry we must feed
We will set the good example as war to terrorism only lead.

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