Francis Duggan Poems

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Legalized Criminals

These multinational criminals of legalized crime
Many of them ought to be in prison serving years of time
Instead with their wealthy friends in upper class uptown restaurants they dine
And eat the best of food and drink the most expensive wine

A Beautiful Day In October

The flies are buzzing in the sunshine and the little dark brown honeybees
Are busily gathering nectar from the flowers of the blossoming trees
On a beautiful day in October of around 27 degrees
And Nature she is at her calmest with only a very faint breeze

Boys Of The Fifties

The boys of the fifties are not young today
The years have left them looking wrinkled and gray
In the late nineteen sixties they were in their lives prime
Anybody does never get younger in time

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

A complaint by many women is a good man is hard to find
That many men are selfish and to the needs of women blind
And that some men physically abuse their women so happens to be true
But give the good man credit if credit he is due.

Poor Children

They are the future of humanity
But many of them living in poverty
And without shelter homeless on the street
Searching through rubbish bins for scraps of food to eat.

One Hundred Years From Now

One hundred years from now when I am long gone
And there is not one mention of my name
Life it will carry on as it has always
And people will enjoy their weekend game

Another Football Season

Another Football Season has just commenced having said so just the same
A lot of hype and excitement about a field game
For many from their life problems a relief of sorts
Suppose that's why the establishments created sports.

A Beautiful Place

The lorikeets chirp on the flowering gum trees it is such a beautiful day
And through the sunlit gardens the butterflies flit tiny dark spots on their wings of gray
The parklands and gardens lovely in their flowers and only a slight Summer breeze
The temperatures perfect for the time of year a tad over twenty degrees.

Happy People

Happy people sow their seeds of happiness or so 'twould seem that way
The smiling face that greets you helps to brighten up your day
Their tiny seed of happiness to great happiness does grow
They are the type of people that all others wish to know

The Unconditional Love Of A Dog

Great stories of love people love to recall
But unconditional love is the greatest love of all
The sort of love that a human to another human cannot give
Though your dog will love you for as long as she or he live,

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