Francis Duggan Poems

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Child Soldiers

On the name of humanity great shame it does bring
The usage of children to fight in war is a terrible thing
By some so called patriots in the World of today
The scum of the Earth of them one well might say

Peregrine Falcons

The fearless hunters of the day they circle in the sky
And faster than a swallow tis said that they can fly
They can kill birds far larger than themselves in flight they make the kill
They nest in holes in the sandstone cliffs on the face of the brown hill,

The Grumpy Old Man

'Tis said that he died with a smile on his face
Though laughter in his life did not have a place
In his ninetieth year he enjoyed a long span
The one who was known as 'the grumpy old man'.

The Days Of Burning Of Fossil Fuels

The days of burning of fossil fuels could be coming to an end
A far cleaner source of power in the sun and the wind
Climate change speeded up by global warming almost out of control
With more droughts and famines of human populations taking toll

Wealthy But Unhappy

He has climbed to highest branch of success tree
And he's a winner everyone agree
But what use to you financial success
If in your heart you know no happiness.

'Tis Football

'Tis football is the big World game of today
Grid Iron the big game of the U S of A,
Rugby League, Rugby Union and Aussie Rules Football
And soccer the biggest World game of them all

So Much About Sports

So much about sports has been written and said
And the sports columns of newspapers by so many are read
For victorious sportsmen and women there will be a parade
And the top sporting people huge sums of money are paid

An Admirable Woman

For hours Maha waited with her little daughter for to meet the Prime Minister just a minute of his time
Just to talk about her husband Mamdouh locked up in prison for an alleged serious crime
In Cuba in a notorious penitentiary remote Guantanamo Bay
Far removed from his kin and his family more than half of a World away.

A Frog's Just A Frog

Of the complexities of Nature how can one explain
Who can tell of the workings of the amphibian's brain
Why he often does sing in the wind and the rain
His song more like a croak in the watery drain

Vasco Da Gama

The first European to discover the sea route to India he lives on in marine history
With Columbus and Tasman and Amerigho and other great men of the sea
The Portuguese Vasco Da Gama ventured far from his native shore
Even further than his countryman Dias had travelled a decade before.

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